What’s in the digital version Amateur Photographer 9 July 2016?

Amateur Photographer 9 July 2016
In this week’s digital version Amateur Photographer 9 July 2016
- Wayne Johns explains how sometimes less is more when working with lighting
- Noel Baldewijns talks to Tom Peck about his highly distinctive photographs of modern architecture
- Piotr Skoczylas shows us how he created a surreal abstract image
- We look at Andre de Dienes’ rare images of Marilyn Monroe
- Chris Cheesman reports on a major exhibition on the life and works of William Henry Fox Talbot
- Tamina-Florentine Zuch talks to Jade Severs about her project on the Indian railway network
- Martin Evening sorts out your photo-editing and post-processing problems
- James Abbott tries four stylish camera bags that are all under £100
- Michael Topham reviews Lee Filters’ neutral density graduated filters
- Matt Golowczynski checks out Sony’s new SLT model, the Sony Alpha 68
- A week in photography
- Your letters and tweet of the week
- Useful gadgets to enhance your photography, from phones to filters
- Expert advice, tips, tricks and more
- Roger Hicks considers… ‘Photo Portrait of Alice P Liddell’, circa 1862, by CL Dodgson (Lewis Carroll)
Get the Digital version Amateur Photographer 9 July 2016 on sale Tuesday
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Digital Version Amateur Photographer 9 July 2016