What’s in the digital version Amateur Photographer 23 July 2016?

Amateur Photographer 23 July 2016
- Tips to ensure super-sharp results before you release the shutter
- Angela Nicholson explains how to boost your shooting confidence by learning your camera’s stabilisation system
- Levon Biss speaks to Steve Fairclough about creating stunning insect portraits
- How to sharpen your images and give them vital finishing touches
- Our cover photographer reveals how to make blur and camera shake a thing of the past
- Martin Evening sorts out your photo-editing and post-processing problems
- Tracy Calder looks at what’s available in the world of tripods, clamps, monopods and beanbags
- Andy Westlake checks out if using f/8 still produces the sharpest results
- Andy Westlake reviews the sharpest lenses for each camera system
- A week in photography
- Your letters and tweet of the week
- We spotlight readers’ excellent images and how they captured them
- Expert advice, tips, tricks and more
- Roger Hicks considers… ‘Wrestling’, 1989, by Raghu Rai
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Digital version Amateur Photographer 23 July 2016