Amateur Photographer 26 March 2016
- Three nature photographers reveal how to get the very best shots this spring
- Two experts explain their tips and techniques for getting the most from spring light for portrait, landscape and street photography
- David Tipling on how to photograph marsh harriers
- Three creative photographers explain why you should always get your camera out when the heavens open
- Paul Hobson on how to turn your garden into a haven for birds, insects and mammals
- Martin Evening sorts out your photo-editing and post-processing problems
- Andy Westlake tests Olympus’s retro-styled Pen-F, with built-in viewfinder and 20.3-million-pixel sensor
- Does Samyang’s fast prime for mirrorless cameras represent a bargain at under £300? Michael Topham gives the Samyang 50mm f/1.2 AS UMC CS a thorough test
- A week in photography
- Your letters
- We spotlight readers’ excellent images and how they captured them
- Useful gadgets to enhance your photography, from phones to filters
- Expert advice, tips, tricks and more
- Final Analysis – ‘Frederick Seaton at Home, Lackawanna, NY’, 1989, by Les Krims
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Digital Version Amateur Photographer 26 March 2016