Digital Version Amateur Photographer 27 February 2016

Amateur Photographer 27 February 2016
- Michael Topham takes a first look at Canon’s latest DSLR that is designed to bring more advanced technology to the masses
- Phil Hall looks at the basics of shooting with natural light, while two very different photographers share their tips
- Dan Cook talks about his style and approach to shooting wintry vistas
- New Zealand-based Paul Alsop discusses bringing the wet-plate collodion process to the masses
- Winter is the perfect time to photograph waxwings, says Oscar Dewhurst
- A selection of winners from the RSPCA Young Photographer Awards
- Robert Canis on how to shoot buzzards
- Martin Evening sorts out your photo-editing and post-processing problems
- AP Awards 2016 – We reveal the best gear from the past 12 months, plus winners of the Power of Photography and Exceptional Achievement in Photography awards
- A week in photography
- Your letters and guess the date competition
- Useful gadgets to enhance your photography, from phones to filters
- Expert advice, tips, tricks and more
- Roger Hicks considers… ‘Migrants, Walking New York City,’ 2015, by JR
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Digital Version Amateur Photographer 27 February 2016