Amateur Photographer 29 October 2016
See what’s in the digital version Amateur Photographer 29 October 2016
- Tim Daly looks at the facts behind using JPEGs rather than raw files
- The need for speed
Four professional photographers working in very different genres explain why they use JPEG capture - Be a Christmas cover star – Here’s your chance to see your picture on AP’s cover
- Fifty years ago, American photographer IC Rapoport visited Aberfan just after the colliery tip tragedy. He talks to Amy Davies
- APOY results – We reveal the top 30 images from the street photography round and the winner of the Sigma prize worth more than £1,000
- Steve Fairclough with tips and advice on buying the right video camera for your needs
- Andy Westlake on how to fine-tune your camera for JPEG shooting
- Andy Westlake’s personal view on which camera brands give the best JPEGs
- A week in photography
- Your letters and what’s trending on the AP website
- Useful gadgets to enhance your photography, from phones to filters
- Expert advice, tips, tricks and more
- Roger Hicks considers…‘Cold Reflections’, 2006, by Stephen Williams
COVER PICTURE © Jessica Drossin
Get the Digital version Amateur Photographer 29 October 2016 on sale Tuesday
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Digital version Amateur Photographer 29 October 2016