Annabel Williams – Portraiture

Annabel Williams, one of the world’s leading portrait photographers, first picked up her camera over 20 years ago and immediately set about changing the face of photography, with her natural style and totally different viewpoint.

Incredibly passionate about
bringing out the best in people, she has forged a highly successful career as an inspirational photographer and highly motivating tutor.
has always believed that photography should be less complicated; and has worked hard to give people confidence in their own creativity, and enjoy shooting pictures without being held back by the technical side.
previously acquired skills as a special-needs teacher allowed her to truly understand the psychology of people and utilise these skills to get the best possible images of them. It also strengthened her encouraging influence which has helped thousands of photographers to realise and fulfil their otential.
“Annabel has inspired a whole new generation of hotographers with her enthusiasm and simplistic approach to photography” Canon UK

To find out more about Annabel Williams visit

photo by Annabel Williams

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